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  • Writer's pictureKimberly Kong

12 Traits that Define a Good Leader

Leadership could be both innate and learned. Some people are born with the desire to be out in front leading a team, whereas some are not. However, you could always learn, practise and stretch yourself more to be a better leader, even if you are not born with leadership skills, traits or values. These skills, values, and attributes could be a mixture of both innate and learned. So you could be quiet but you could be a great leader because you possess some great leadership traits and values. You could be outgoing and sociable but at the same time you would have to learn some tactics or values to enhance your leadership.

Being trained to be a leader for a group in a youth ministry for some years, and after getting to know some of the leaders, I began to develop some interest in leadership. I personally think that being leader is a lot of hard work and I don't consider myself a natural and a good leader; I still have room for improvement. Yet, I believe all of us possess some potential to be a leader who adds values to people's lives.

After some training, much observation and reflection, I would like to share the 12 traits that define a good leader in my own words and experience.

12 Traits that Define a Good Leader

1. Listening and understanding

A good leader listens to people. Many of the leaders I know whether in work place or in other contexts would always want to get their words and ideas across, wanting the subordinate to execute their ideas, without listening to the subordinate's side of story or ideas. Steve Jobs once said,

It doesn't make sense to hire smart people and tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do.

Listen to your subordinates. They may have an interesting perspectives that are different than yours. Afterall, they are hired to carry out responsibilities of their positions and they know what to do best. Listening to and understanding people's situation that they are in also help us foster deeper relationships, not just in work context but in our relationships. We are able to help them more if we listen to what they really need. It also helps us to know more about the other person and builds trust for more effective communication and results in work. If you are wondering how to develop better listening skills, read my previous post "The Art of Listening: The Impacts of Listening and 7 Tips on How to Be A Better Listener".

2. Empathetic

Being empathetic is a powerful leadership trait. Studies have also shown that empathy is the biggest single leadership skill needed today. Richard Wellins quoted that,

Being able to listen and respond with empathy is overwhelmingly the one interaction skill that outshines all other skills.

By having empathy, your subordinates could then engage with you as you feel for them and care for them. They will find you an understanding leader and able to communicate well with you, will put in more effort for you, thus resulting in more effective results.

Maya Angelou has once said,

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

3. Respects subordinates and treats them as equals

Good leaders respect their subordinates, and will not look down on, discriminate and label them. Instead, they treat their subordinates as equals, just like any other human being with flaws, like themselves. Also, just because they are leaders, they would not have a sense of entitlement and demand to be treated special.

4. Has high integrity and is transparent

A good leader has high integrity. They would also have their own core values and principles in life and work. When dealing with anything, they would remain transparent and there is nothing to hide. This makes them honest and unable to tolerate low morality. They believe that their subordinates deserve the right to know about what is going on in the workplace or at any setting. However, being transparent and honest doesn't mean that they would have to let their subordinates know everything, but only honestly disclose helpful and necessary information.

5. Efficient and productive, able to get the group going

Having a disciplined lifestyle, a good leader is not only efficient in managing his or her own life, but also able to get the group going. A good leader leads himself first before he is able to lead others. An efficient and productive leader also produces efficient and productive subordinates. A good leader is able to generate excellent, long lasting results.

6. Naturally inspiring, influential, and able to empower others

Being able to just be themselves, good leaders let their characters and strengths flow and others could easily spot their strengths. This makes them naturally inspiring and influential, as they are able to be themselves without trying hard to inspire people or be someone else that they are not. Good leaders are able to empower people to be the best version of themselves naturally.

7. Has vision

A good leader is able to see the direction and big picture ahead of everyone. When one has vision about the organisation or working team, and is able to see the big picture of what the team is likely to achieve, one would be able to lead the team effectively. Proverbs 29:18 states that,

Where there is no vision, the people perish.

Hence, it is important for leaders to have visions for their team or organisation. A leader with vision will also see the potential in his or her subordinates and are able to empower them to reach their full potentials.

8. Passionate

As good leaders could see the bigger picture, they would know what to do, and they are genuinely passionate in what they put their hands to do. A leader with real passion is able to persevere and lead the team to move forward during hard times.

9. Practical

Besides having dreams and visions in leading the team, good leaders are practical and able to keep their feet on the ground. Their ideas and goals are realistic and achievable. They also have a sensible and practical attitude towards life.

10. Humble and admits mistakes

A good leader has a humble attitude. Good leaders do not boast or seek attention as they are authentic and self-assured. When leading the group, they will acknowledge the effort of the subordinates and give them credits. When they have made mistakes, they will bear the responsibility and admit their faults. They are also vulnerable and not afraid to show their flaws.This makes them appear real and able to influence their followers. Craig Groeschel, pastor of Life.Church always says this:

People would rather follow a leader who is always real than one who is always right.

11. Walks the talk

Good leaders walk the talk and is able to deliver the results as promised. Although they have dreams and visions, they are able to carry out plans with strategies and practicality. You will find that they do not just talk to influence others emotionally, but they will be able to practice what they preach.

12. Builds leaders

When a good leader leads, he or she builds his or her followers up to be the next leader. By equipping them with the correct values, attitudes and skills, a good leader truly sees his or her subordinates to be able to be better than he or she is. Good leaders are not afraid that the subordinates would over take them; they are genuinely happy to see them thrive because being able to build one up shows that you are a true leader.

Being a leader does not mean you have the status, money or power. It comes with great responsibilities, and you are dealing with the lives of others. Yet, it is fulfilling as you see others grow. There is no perfect leader, but remember, you could always develop your leadership skills, traits and values. Everyone is a leader because we would have to lead ourselves. Always strive to be your best self as a phenomenal leader.

Feel free to let me know what your thoughts and if you have other traits to share. :)

Sincerely Yours,




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