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  • Writer's pictureKimberly Kong

7 Practical Ways to Motivate Yourself

Happy New Year!

We may be so motivated to set goals for ourselves for the new year, but when it comes to following through we may be falling behind… and then we might procrastinate and make excuses… in the end these goals that you have are never going to happen.

We just need the boost or motivation to get started and to press on, then you will be getting ahead of your goals and tasks.

This new year, let's try something different.

Here are 10 practical ways on how you can motivate yourself:

1. Make a cue based plan

Research has shown that adding a cue to your plan helps you remember when to act.

A plan like "I will work out on weekdays" would be too vague.

Use a cue based plan like "I will change into my work out outfit and work out after brushing my teeth in the morning”.

Tell yourself that “I will work on my project for 10 minutes once I have sip on my coffee”.

2. Make it fun

Research has shown that focusing on efficiency can leave you demotivated fast. This is because you would be neglecting on enjoying the process as you strive to achieve a goal or to complete a task.

Research has also shown that if you were to pair your task with something fun, it will be likely for you to stick with your task.

If you think that typing your business proposal or working out is not fun, it is likely that you would not persist for long.

Try pairing mundane or boring tasks with something fun, for instance, try working out while watching TV, or listening to music while you are working on your business proposal.

Or sipping some green tea latte (some beverage or snacks that you like) while studying. Keep it light and fun, you will get your motivation to complete the task.

3. Celebrate small successes

Reward yourself on the small successes along the way while trying to reach your goal.

If you only focus on the endgame, you may be easily discouraged.

If your goal is to write a book, after each chapter, reward yourself with some new music, a nice beverage, or a nice meal.

Don’t have to wait until you finish writing the entire book or else you would feel dreadful and lose motivation!

4. Set Approach goals instead of Avoidance goals

Avoidance goals are goals that people would like to aim to avoid, for instance, quit smoking, stop spending time surfing on social media platforms, etc.

Approach goals involves adopting a new habit, such as going for a jog every evening, or practicing the guitar 3 times in a week.

Research has found that people are more likely to achieve and work on Approach goals than Avoidance goals.

Hence, review your to do list and goals, instead of stopping things, you should start doing things.

5. Getting support from your social network

People can be your motivation in helping you to keep going or to pursue a goal.

Research shows that if you have a sense of belonging in a team, it will boost your performance and motivation even if you are working alone.

Sharing an issue that could be an obstacle in achieving your goals with a friend could also help you to gain some perspectives.

The people around you could influence your thoughts and emotions more than you realize.

If you have someone who would make you feel down or drain you, perhaps it is time to limit the time that you spend with this person.

6. Change your environment

Whether it is having a short walk in nature to think about some decisions and not your usual spot at your home office, working on a proposal at a cafe and not your usual spot in your room at home, or to try a new workout routine, sometimes a change of scenery, approach or environment can help you feel fresher in approaching your task with your motivation boosted and refreshed as well.

A simple act in altering your environment or approach helps you in your motivation.

7. Practice Self-Compassion

You might think being hard on yourself is the key to getting motivated, but research has shown that self-punishment or self-criticism does not work.

Instead, self-compassion works in motivating you to do better next time.

Speak kind words to yourself while at the same time accepting your mistakes and flaws genuinely, like how you would speak to a dear friend.

Above all, remember to enjoy the process while you are getting to your goals or completing a task!

Sincerely Yours,




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