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  • Writer's pictureKimberly Kong

On Change and Comfort Zones

It is almost the end of the year. I have been reflecting about 2019, and I have to say that this year has been a year of change for me. Most of us dread change, because it's terrifying, the days ahead are blurred and it's hard to predict. This is because we as humans always would like to control our lives as much as possible, and when we embrace change we fear for the unknown ahead of us. But change isn't as scary as I thought.

It took me a year to think and pray about changing church, it was a hard thing to do. I received an answer from God to finally do it. A year ago, I realised I was stuck living in a "bubble", I couldn't see any way out and I couldn't see myself growing anymore. It was also difficult for me to connect with others, thinking: "Am I the only one with a different mindset here?" Please see that I'm not blaming anyone, I am just talking about my change of mindset. Yet, I am someone who could not stay at the comfort zone, and always looking at how I could further develop myself. Yes, of course I admit that the comfort zone is a really nice place to be, but at the same time, I felt that I was really struggling inside. Struggling to make connections with people due to our different values and mindsets, struggling to be myself, struggling because I know I could be more.

When I found that I was stuck in a "bubble" from personal growth, be it work, friendship, or in my own mindset, I couldn't stand it and would want to pop this "bubble" and get out of it. This was what got me to go for a change, even though it might be risky. I risked losing trust of my leaders, risked losing friends from church, risked losing my serving in my ministry.

They said that no matter where you go, things will remain the same with your unchanging mindset. I sort of agree with that. But here's another way to look at things: If you plant a flower and it couldn't grow, should you change the flower, or change the soil?

John C. Maxwell once said:

Change yourself but not your environment – growth will be slow and difficult. Change your environment but not yourself – growth will be slow and less difficult. Change your environment and yourself – growth will be faster and more successful.

Changing the surrounding is as equally important as your changing your mindset. A good environment that is nurturing to the flower supports its growth.

But let me tell you, it was all worth it, even though in the beginning it was difficult. I had to admit that it was difficult to start from nothing, like building new friendships and connections. Yes, there have been losses, but there are gains as well. I am surrounded by new friends who are ahead of me in life, who support me, give me new perspectives and care for my personal growth. And I am looking forward to spend more time with them. Internally, I feel more peaceful about this change that I have made. I am able to live out my own values, mindsets, and they are being refined by God always. I am able to be myself more freely.

Sometimes you outgrown people. Your job. Your surroundings. Yourself. And that's okay.

But here's the question: "Would you rather stay at where you are and remain comfortable, living your days doing your usual routine, but stay stuck and struggling with no personal growth, or risk it all for a change?

Sometimes embracing change is like embracing another season God has prepared for you.

At the end of the day, this is the quote that always gets me going:

The greatest gift you can give somebody is your own personal development. - Jim Rohn

If you love yourself and others around you, always develop yourself.

Have a blast celebrating this festive season.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Sincerely Yours,




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